How Can a Mommy Makeover Improve My Body Shape?

· Mommy Makeover,Mommy Makeover Surgery,Types of Mommy Makeover Procedures,Benefits of Undergoing Mommy Makeover,best plastic surgeon in Thane

Women in the twenty-first century do not have to endure like past generations did. Childbirth does not have to leave them in the dust and disrupt their everyday lives. They can put on their old clothing and show off their taut and fit bodies with the life changing Mommy Makeover Surgery.

The term mommy makeover refers to specialized body sculpting treatments performed simultaneously to correct the physical alterations that occur long after pregnancy. One reason for its appeal is that the mommy makeover has no fixed components; each operation is tailored to the specific demands of the individual patient. The surgical technique, on the other hand, often begins with a breast and abdominal shaping treatment, followed by the addition of other parts as needed. Mommy Makeover Surgery Cost in Thane is pretty reasonable and one can get it done at Laser Cosmosis clinic with a famous female plastic surgeon Dr. Medha Bhave.

Types of Mommy Makeover Procedures

A mommy makeover may comprise numerous treatments, but it will be individualized to you depending on your problem areas and desired objectives.

Types of Mommy Makeover Procedures

Breast Surgery

  • Breast augmentation: This is a popular operation among moms because it recovers decreased breast volume, makes the breasts symmetrical, and improves your form.
  • Breast lift: A breast lift is a procedure that may be done alone or in conjunction with breast augmentation to produce tremendous cleavage and reposition the breasts to give them a lifted and young appearance. If you are satisfied with the size of your breasts, a breast lift without augmentation may be an option for you.
  • Breast reduction: Pregnancy can cause additional breast skin and weight in certain women. Breast enlargement can create discomfort and self-consciousness, but a breast reduction operation can return you to your pre-pregnancy breast size.

Body Contouring

  • Tummy tuck: A tummy tuck can correct a bulging belly or drooping skin around the abdomen caused by pregnancy. The doctor will remove excess skin and fat from the belly and abdominal muscles that were strained or split during pregnancy. Stretch marks can be erased if they are on the skin that will be removed. As a consequence, your stomach will be flatter, firmer, and toned.
  • Liposuction: This procedure is performed to remove excess fat from troublesome regions. To obtain a perfect body shape, this operation can be done with a tummy tuck. The surgeon performs liposuction by making small incisions at troublesome areas to remove extra fat deposits. Dissolving sutures are used to seal the incisions.

Pregnancy may have an impact on more than just your belly and breasts, and undesirable changes to your face, tummy, and thighs. Among the surgical possibilities are:

  • Facial plastic surgery: Weight gain during pregnancy, stress, and a lack of sleep can all result in unpleasant changes to your face. It can rejuvenate your appearance with facial plastic surgery operations such as browlifts, face lifts, neck lifts, and eyelid surgeries.
  • Thigh Lift: Excess skin or fat in the thigh area as a result of pregnancy-related weight gain can be unsightly and induce self-consciousness. A thigh lift can remove extra skin and fat from the thighs, slimming them and allowing you to fit back into your pre-pregnancy trousers.

Benefits of Undergoing Mommy Makeover Surgery

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  • Your skin, tissue, and abdominal muscles expand to accommodate the growing baby throughout pregnancy. While diet and exercise can assist you in losing excess weight after delivery, your skin and tissue may not recover. Furthermore, nursing alters the breasts in ways that exercise cannot reverse. This is why mommy makeovers are so popular: they enhance the parts of the body that are resistant to exercise.
  • Because a mommy makeover allows you to address numerous areas with a single procedure, you will only be sedated once and will only have one recovery time. You'll love less downtime whether you're a working or stay-at-home mum!
  • The significant advantage of a mommy makeover is an increase in self-esteem. Many women struggle with the changes brought on by pregnancy and nursing. While food and exercise may surely assist you in losing the "baby weight," there are several areas to consider. A mommy makeover can enhance the appearance of these areas and help you look and feel like your pre-baby self if you have loose skin, drooping breasts, or persistent fat deposits.
  • If loose skin or extended labia bothers you, as they do for most women, you may tailor your mommy makeover to include procedures that address these concerns, making you feel more at ease in your own skin - literally and metaphorically.


It is critical to understand that a mommy makeover is not a weight reduction procedure and cannot guarantee the removal of stretch marks. If you are concerned about stretch marks, speak with your doctor during your visit.

One can consult with Dr. Medha Bhave, Best Plastic Surgeon in Thane, practicing at the Laser Cosmesis Clinic and is known for performing mommy makeover surgery. She customize the mommy makeover surgery based on one’s needs and body type.

Book an appointment now with her for more details!